So as the holidays came up, I became more and more thankful that I'm not going home.
I would hate for this adventure to be over already. I still have so many more things to learn and to see.
For instance, a few things that I have learned:
-Pants are not like jeans.... it means underwear.... I know this because i was standing outside waiting with a group of my classmates for a couple of other people to start work on a project. It was windy. and cold. and I was wearing a skirt. So I said, "geeez it's so cold out here! and I'm not even wearing pants!" because of the skirt. they all looked at me really super confused and like I had just thrown up on my shoes.... Later I explained this strange phenomenon to my flatmate... Now I get it. If you want to talk about pants, say trousers. It feels uppity to say that... but it's not. And it will save some embarrassment.
- chips are fries... for Brits.... crisps are chips... Australians chips can be either... a chippee is a guy/place that makes chips and puts all manner of unhealthy things on them... curry, chili, salt and vinegar, cheese, all of the above.... dont call them fries... despite the fact that your american accent is glaring them in the face, and they know we call them fries, they will look at you like you are stupid.
-Cheers is cool, and not only for alcohol. Cheers is thanks, but more like for the small things. In America, we don't really differentiate... we always just say thanks, or nothing at all. But in the UK, and in Australia, they say cheers for the little thanks moments. Like if someone tosses you your keys, or someone holds the door open for you. Thank you is like for someone who bought you flowers because you were sick. Anyway, it's kind of a cool thing. And of course you say cheers for drinks. Because hey, thanks cider, Im glad you exist!
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